

Installation Instructions

These are installation instructions for the latest version of TTB - these will not work for classic 1.12.

  1. Download the data pack from a link above. It should be a .zip file.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Open Minecraft.
  4. Data Pack

  5. Select the world you want to install the data pack for, click on "Edit", then "Open world folder".
  6. Open the folder named datapacks, and drag ttb_data from the unzipped folder into it.
  7. Enter the world.
  8. Type /reload in the chat. If you do not have cheats enabled, press Esc, click on "Open to LAN", set "Cheats" to "Enabled", and confirm.
  9. After a few seconds, you should see a message in the console or in chat saying [TTB] Loaded, confirming that the pack is installed.
  10. Resource Pack

  11. From the main menu, click on "Options", then "Resource packs", then "Open resource pack folder".
  12. Drag ttb_resources from the unzipped folder into it.
  13. Click "Done" in the resource packs menu, then go back into it.
  14. Enable the resource pack named ttb_resources.

Data Pack

  1. Download the data pack from a link above. It should be a .zip file.
  2. Unzip the file.
  3. Open your server folder, then open world.
  4. Open the folder named datapacks, and drag ttb_data from the unzipped folder into it.
  5. Type /reload from the console or as an operator if the server was running during the installation.
  6. After a few seconds, you should see a message in chat saying [TTB] Loaded, confirming that the pack is installed.

Resource Pack

  1. Download the latest resource pack from GitHub.

  2. Head to and upload the downloaded ZIP file
  3. Modify your file as shows


This project is covered by the MIT License.